Bible Seminar Schedule


Apr. 14

Meeting 1 | Opening Night - Dream of the Ages

6:30 PM - Learn about the Metal Man and God's grand plan for your life. Learn about why the Bible continues to stump and fascinate skeptics, and how prophecy is relevant for today!


Apr. 15

Meeting 2 | The Prince of Pride

6:30 PM - If God is all-powerful and all-loving, why doesn't He just stop all the sin and suffering and get rid of the devil? Prophecy answers this question and more as we see the origin of evil and of Satan.


Apr. 16

Meeting 3 | The Ultimate Sacrifice

6:30 PM - This message is the best news humanity could ever hope for. If we don't understand this, then there is no point in understanding any other prophecy.


Apr. 17

Meeting 4 | The Two Sanctuaries

6:30 PM - The sanctuary has an important role in understanding prophecy and especially the book of Revelation.


Apr. 18

Meeting 5 | Cleansing the Sanctuary

6:30 PM - How far can God see into the future? Is judgment good news or bad news for Christ-followers? What does it mean that the Sanctuary was cleansed?


Apr. 21

Meeting 6 | The Unchangeable Law

6:30 PM - Many are shocked to discover this hidden blessing in Revelation. But once you see it, you can't un-see it. Come discover this surprise blessing!


Apr. 22

Meetings 7 | The Last Day of Prophecy

6:30 PM - One of the Church's greatest Mysteries solved!


Apr. 23

Meeting 8 | Bowing to the Beast

6:30 PM - Is the Antichrist alive today? If so, who is it? 10 Identifying clues will unravel this mystery!


Apr. 24

Meeting 9 | The Return of the King

6:30 PM  - The Rapture is likely the most discussed topic of Prophecy - but also the most misunderstood. Tonight we'll find out why. 


Apr. 28

Meeting 10 | Born in a River

6:30 PM - Is it possible that we could believe something our whole lives, just to find out it isn't so? Come prepared to study a controversial topic.


Apr. 29

Meeting 11 | The Mark of the Beast

11:00 AM - One of the most mysterious symbols of Revelation completely explained. What if the Mark of the Beast isn't a computer chip ... then what would it be?

Free Lunch provided after the meeting.


Apr. 29

Meeting 12 | Never Fear Death Again!

6:30 PM - What happens to people when they die? What comes next? What about Near-Death Experiences? The Bible had profound answers.


Apr 30

Meeting 13 | The Devil's Dungeon

6:30 PM - Tonight we will explore the meaning behind the 1000 years of Revelation 20 - The Millennium. What happens before, during, and after?


May 1

Meeting 14 | The Final Firestorm

6:30 PM - What is hotter than the Lake of Fire? Understanding hell is not easy, especially answering the important "why" question. Tonight, we'll see the why, where, when, and what of hell.


May 5

Meeting 15 | Babylon's Buffet

6:30 PM - Everyone agrees: we are in the last days of earth's history. What is your end-time strategy for survival? During this meeting, you will learn keys to surviving and thriving in the last days! Avoid Babylon's Buffet!


May 6

Meeting 16 | Filled To Overflowing

9:30 AM | The Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, and the last days! We don't want to get this one wrong.


May 6

Meetings 17 | The King's Ambassador

11:00 AM - Living a godly life in the last days isn't for chumps. God has a plan to keep His people from Satan's last-day deceptions and temptations.


May 6

Meeting 18 | The Daughter's Deadly Dance

6:30 PM | Thousands of denominations, but one Bible, one Jesus? What gives? Tonight we will make sense of this perplexing question.


May 7

Meeting 19 | The Woman of Truth

6:30 PM - Revelation 12 contains a powerful secret that once revealed will help you navigate your future!


May 12

Meeting 20 | True and False Prophets

6:30 PM - With the increasing rise of so-called prophets, how can you tell the difference between the true and the false? Will there even be true prophets in the last days? Some think they would never be deceived, yet Jesus warns us in Matthew 24 of the danger.


May 13

Meeting 21 | Blessings Beyond Belief

9:30 AM - Does the Bible have anything to say about wealth and financial security? What about the danger of covetousness? How can we have God's blessings today!


May 13

Meeting 22 | The Goal of the Godly

11:00 AM - We have learned so much during this seminar! How can we keep from losing it? How can we move forward?


May 13

Meeting 23 | The Magnificent Kingdom

6:30 PM - The New Jerusalem is going to be incredible! But how incredible? This hope filled message will inspire and challenge!


May 20

Bonus Meeting! | Pastor Wyatt Shares his personal testimony!

11:00 AM - Wyatt went from prison to pastor. From satanism to salvation. From drug-addict to Christ-dependent! His miracle-filled story is sure to bless you and inspire you!

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