Welcome! You can catch the Replay of the local seminar here. Since you can't be at the location, please feel free to connect with us in the form below. You may ask questions, submit prayer requests, and give feedback. We hope you do. Here is our Full Schedule. We hope to see you in person when you can.
Watch the Replay here:
The Metal Man and the Grand Plan | 1 of 23
ETA for Doomsday: It's Nearer than you Think | 2 of 23
God on Trial: Why Does He Allow Suffering? | Part 3 of 23
The Lamb Who Conquers the Beast | 4 of 23
The Longest, Most Amazing Time Prophecy | 5 of 23
Revelation's Two Witnesses & the Two Testimonies | 6 of 23
God's Number Revealed in Revelation | 7 of 23
God's Number Under Attack | 8 of 23
Baptism Truth: Dying to Live | 11 of 23
Left Behind: Revelation's Rapture | 10 of 23
Unmasking the Antichrist | 9 of 23
Free Indeed - My Journey to True Freedom | Wyatt's Story out of the Occult and Addiction | 12 of 23
Revelation Reveals the Mark of the Beast | 13 of 23
United States in Bible Prophecy | 14 of 23
Sorcerers, Demons, and the Dead | 15 of 23
Revelation's Abyss of Desolation | 16 of 23
Hell Truth: Revelation's Hottest Topic | 17 of 23
Survival Keys for the End-Times | 18 of 23
Why So Many Denominations? | 19 of 23
Modern Israel and the Last Days | 20 of 23
The 144,000 Revealed in Revelation | 21 of 23
Beware of False Prophets | 22 of 23
The Seven Last Plagues | 23 of 23